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Alberton | |
Alberton - Elementary School | 354 Church Street |
Alberton - Memorial Field | 42 Prince William St |
Cardigan | |
JD MacIntyre Field | 4364 Chapel Road |
Kim Bujosivich Field | 4364 Chapel Road |
Presidents Field | 4364 Chapel Road |
Clipper Field | 4364 Chapel Road |
Cornwall | |
Terry Fox Complex - Lower Field | 85 Hilltop Drive |
East Wiltshire #1 | 128 Kingston Rd |
East Wiltshire #2 | 128 Kingston Rd |
York Point #1 | 90 York Point Rd |
York Point #2 | 90 York Point Rd |
Emyvale Field | 2155 Kingston Road |
Ellerslie | |
Ellerslie - Legion Field | 1180 Ellerslie Rd |
Morell | |
Mount Stewart Consolidated School | 120 S Main St |
O'Leary | |
Ellis Field | 81 Gaspe Rd |
Ellsworth Field (Rink) | 426 Main St |
Riptide | |
North Shore Community Centre | North Shore Community Centre - 2120 Route 25 |
Grand Tracadie | 34 Harbour Road |
Stratford | |
Bunbury Field | 110 Mason Rd |
Upper MacNeill Field | 88 Georgetown Rd |
Fort August Field | 3710 Fort Augustus Rd |
Summerside | |
Queen Elizabeth Park | 199 Summer St |
Gordie Arsenault Field | 199 Summer St |
Tignish | |
Hogan Field | 290 Church St |
Legion Field | 225 Phillips St |
West Royatly | |
Central Field #1 | Central Field |
Central Field #2 | Central Field |
City Diamond | 36 Park Driveway |
Hillsborough Field | Ernest Trainor Memorial Park |
Mulberry Park | Mulberry Park |
Parkdale Field | 49 Confederation St |
Queen Elizabeth #1 | Queen Elizabeth Park |
Queen Elizabeth #2 | Queen Elizabeth Park |
Spring Lane | 45 Spring Lane |
Miltonvale Park | 413 Sleepy Hollow Rd |
Softball PEI's office is located on the the traditional and unceded territory of the Abegweit Mi'kmaq First Nation.
We honour the traditional lands and homelands of all indigenous peoples and communities across Canada, including Frist Nations, Inuit, Metis, living both on and off reserve, in rural and urban communities.
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